Finding The Inner Self via the Root Chakra

Meditation has so many uses and purposes, it is invaluable. Meditation can be used as a Tool to balance all areas of self and all areas of your life.
The Root chakra and the Etheric layer of the Aura deals with your foundation and your security. Arch Angel Gabriel and the Goddess Auset both governs the root chakra and can assist with balancing the Root chakra

Learn To Work With The Root Chakra


About The Root

Colors: red, black, and brown, Represents: vitality, grounding, protection, security, the physical plane, MAMA Earth
The Root Chakra runs from the feet, up both the ankles and legs, it then flows through the perineum area to the pelvis where the Sacral Chakra begins.

Practical Uses

Uses: anxiety, safety, being centered and still, ground you to the physical, manifestations.
Meditating on the Root Chakra, working with the dirt, the Earth, excercising

Out Come

Working with the Root Chakra will assist you in feeling grounded and secure, it can ease anxiety in the moment calming your thoughts and nerves.